Greetings Family,
My name is Tasha Prophet. I am Katarah’s mom. I am also the Executive Director of Katarah’s Hope Inc. I would like to take this time to thank you for checking out this website. This website is growing and we hope that you will continue to check in and also consider signing up to receive our newsletter. The newsletter will include important updates and information. The Newsletter will only come out monthly for now. Also on this site you can checkout some pictures of Katarah, you can make donations and you can shop. All moneys goes directly into our youth and the programs we offer. We have Katarah’s merch coming soon as well. I’m looking forward to that. Please feel free to comment and ask questions. I looking forward to hearing from you.
As Always,
Kats Mom
Tasha Prophet, Executive Director
Long Live Katarah Alorae- Moshelle Baskerville
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